Complete Safety Solutions
Online Courses

We're happy to partner with Eduwhere to provide you convenient, quality training.

All the MSHA courses are ours. The live MSHA classes are conducted online by us and the online course material that you do at your own pace is written and maintained by us. MSHA classes offered include:

They also offer:

Please use our EDUWHERE PORTAL to do all your online training. Click here to check out their catalog of subjects available.


The National Safety Council offers a variety of online courses. Complete Safety Solutions is a skill testing center for the online First Aid and CPR. In order to get a certificate from the online class you must demonstrate certain skills in a much abbreviated class for an extra fee. The cost online and the fee for skills testing is still less than we charge for a full class and much more convenient. Check out the courses and give me a call to arrange for the skills testing.

Click here to access the NSC Courses.